All power is out. The lights will not function until power is restored. Sensors indicate that multiple unknown lifeforms have infiltrated the airlock area. Be careful. Terminals such as this one are located throughout the ship. My name is Seth. I can be your guide.
There $BIS$b one other Artificial intelligence on board. His name is Arthur. He is still in the experimantal stages. I hope all this activity doesn't interfear with his learning process. He was just started up 10 days ago, and hasn't been able to learn much yet.
There is a planet nearby that we can hopefully signal for help. Until then we have to just stay alive. If you wish to survive, you should follow my instructions carfully.
#checkpoint 0
That puny pistol you have probably won't keep you alive very long. There is another one at this location. Two heads are better than one.
#checkpoint 1
There is an energy recharge (ER) unit here. Use this if you have sustained any damage. It may come in handy. I hope you're taking notes.
#checkpoint 2
Here is the teleporter that leads to storage bay 3. It might be a good Idea to go there and beef up on ammunition. I need you to do something for me that requires a lot. Good luck.